Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Do You Smoke Tobacco? Don't Worry, You Can Still Enjoy Nicotine Strength

Tobacco leaves can be chewed, smoked, or sniffed for pleasure. All around the world, People smoke traditional tobacco cigarettes. They have a very powerful and addictive chemical called Nicotine. As an Aussie, You will not be able to buy Nicotine E Juice Australia law prohibits the sale of E-cigs with this chemical.

Vaporisers or E-cigarettes burn flavour-filled liquids to emit fumes. As a vaper, you inhale them into the mouth or lungs. It is possible to make E-juices with Nicotine liquid, extracted from tobacco. International brands sell E-liquids with strong doses of the banned chemical.

However in Australia, Liquid nicotine is known as a 'Schedule 7 Poison'. This classification comes under Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP). The TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) implements this regulation. So, It is illegal for any company to sell, advertise, or import E-cigs or E-liquids with nicotine.

But I Like The Nicotine Kick...

If you are regular smoker of traditional cigarettes, then nicotine is great. Your craving and desire to enjoy its strength is understandable. And your desire to quit the cancer stick may also be very earnest. But by law, You can purchase E-cigs with Nicotine E Juice Australia smokers, however, need not lose hope or get dejected.

First things first, Vape devices and E-juice flavours do not kill smoking. You can start using them as a replacement or substitute. But if the nicotine urge is very strong, then you can get them too. This is made possible under the health related Personal Importation Scheme.

You can import nicotine laced E-liquids from offshore/international suppliers. But you have to comply with the legal requirements also. The buyer has to purchase the nicotine juice only for personal therapeutic use.

Here a few tips and rules related to buying the best Nicotine E Juice Australia TGA makes these requirements mandatory-

  • The importer has to submit a prescription from a registered doctor.

  • The nicotine E juice can be bought for the vaper or immediate family.

  • The purchased amount should not exceed 3-monthy supply limit.

  • The E-liquid should not have any substance banned by Customs.

  • There is an annual limit on the purchase( 5 times or 15-month supply).

  • Get pharma grade, ISO standard E-juice to ensure highest quality.

For the best national and international brands, Contact Vape Connection. The online super store is a basket of choices. You can order various flavours, tanks, mods, and accessories.